Sustanon 270


Drug Type: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone Acetate, Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Isocaproate
Trade Name: Sustanon 270
Strength: 270 mg/milliliter
Biological Half-Life: 15 – 20 Days
Liver Side Effects: Low
Aromatization: High
Recommended Dosage: 270 – 2000 mg/week
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
Package: 10 mL Multi-dose Vial

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Sustanon 270 by Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Sustanon 270

Sustanon 270 by Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Sustanon 270, the revolutionary formula from a mixture of esters, will allow any athlete to gain quality muscle mass in the shortest possible time. And all because this drug is ideally balanced by popular Testosterone esters, ranging from short-term to long-acting esters.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60 mg/mL) – one of the first formulas of this type of Testosterone was released under the name “Testolent” by the pharmaceutical company Sicomed Pharmaceutical. Previously, Testosterone Phenylpropionate was a rarity on the black market, but if there is a demand, there will be proposals, so numerous clandestine laboratories made this version of this ester more accessible. Chemically, this drug is a Testosterone compound with a Phenylpropionate ester, which is much more common in conjunction with Nandrolone (Deca 300, Deca 500). This Testosterone ester is active for 4-5 days, its chemical composition is very similar to Testosterone Cypionate (Cypionat 250) and Testosterone Propionate (Propionat 100).

Testosterone Isocaproate (60 mg/mL) – is the average ester between long and short in speed of action. Testosterone Isocaproate is very rarely found as an independent drug, usually this Testosterone ester is a part of drugs that are a mixture of Testosterone esters. Testosterone Isocaproate will increase protein synthesis, reduce cortisol levels, promote recovery levels, and also increase muscle mass and strength.

Testosterone Decanoate (100 mg/mL) – is a Testosterone ester called the long ester, because it is slowly absorbed. This Testosterone ester is part of the so-called mixes. Due to the fact that Decanoate ester acts more slowly than, for example, Enanthate or Cypionate ester, steroid injections can be placed less often. It is for this property appreciated this drug, by many bodybuilders.

Testosterone Propionate (30 mg/mL) – is a popular Testosterone ester due to its fast acting action.

Testosterone Acetate (20 mg/mL) – is a popular Testosterone ester due to its fast acting action.

Regardless of the ester, all Testosterone formulas will produce similar effects.

Sustanon 270 Effects

Testosterone is a powerful hormone with tangible side effects. Much of which stems from the fact that Testosterone has a high propensity to convert to estrogen. Therefore, these side effects may become a problem during the cycle of taking anabolic steroids. For starters, water retention can become very noticeable. This can cause a loss of relief, since the subcutaneous water to build an excessive accumulation of fat can reduce the visibility of muscles, another popular side effect is the problem with aromatization of this steroid.

Due to the fact that Testosterone is the main male androgen, one can also expect the development of pronounced androgenic side effects. In many ways, their severity is associated with the rate at which Testosterone in body is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This substance is a metabolite of Testosterone, which is responsible for the development of known androgenic effects, which are associated with the use of Testosterone Enanthate. These include: increased sebum secretion, acne, body and facial hair growth, and male pattern baldness. Such a side effect as hair loss on the head is very rare.

Sustanon 270 Cycle

Despite the fact that the duration of this drug is quite large, injections are required once a week in order to maintain a constantly high concentration.

The average, one-time dose of Sustanon 270 is 270 -540 mg per week, if your goal is building muscle mass. This drug gives good results in a solo cycle. Practice shows that doses above 800-1000 mg do not lead to better results, but the risk of side effects increases dramatically.

If the cycle duration exceeds 4 weeks, Gonadotropin should be used 500 IU, once a week for the entire cycle, starting at 3rd week.

Exit from Sustanon 270 Cycle: 2-3 days after the completion of cycle, you need to start taking Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), at a dosage of 20 mg for 2-4 weeks. By the last week, the dosage is reduced to a complete cancellation. To maximize the effect and preserve obtained muscular mass, it is recommended to take sports nutrition and follow a special diet. Also after the cycle, it would be useful to drink Testosterone boosters.

Best Places to Buy Sustanon 270 Online

Looking to buy legit Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270 in the US? Look no further! Dragon Pharma offers top-quality Sustanon 270, a potent blend of testosterone esters, ideal for enhancing muscle mass and strength. With its high concentration of testosterone, Sustanon 270 delivers remarkable results for bodybuilders and athletes. Whether you’re bulking or cutting, buying legit Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270 in the US ensures you get a reliable product for achieving your fitness goals.


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